CGD 100% Teleworking Contact Center

xseed is proud to have contributed to Caixa Geral de Depósitos being the first bank in Portugal to operate an entire unit, serving more than 3.5 million customers 24 hours a day and 365 days a year, from home.
In total, 200 employees work in this Contact Center.

With this measure, an objective was met & nbsp; of CGD’s COVID-19 Contingency Plan, which planned to place at home the largest number of employees who usually work in its emblematic Headquarters Building in Lisbon. All 200 employees of the Caixa Contact Center were provided with the necessary technical conditions to be able to continue to develop a 100% safe work from home, within Caixa’s computer network.

On average, this Contact Center receives approximately 6,000 interactions, but in view of the measures implemented, within the scope of the declaration of the State of Emergency, this number rose to more than 11,000 daily interactions. In order to have yet another communication vehicle to fill the need for information expressed by our customers, Caixa has now also made available on its website all the mitigating measures of the economic impact of COVID-19, in addition to having made available an application form, the fact that contributed to a normalization of the number of daily contacts.

Even so, and to avoid any waiting situations, Caixa’s contact center was reinforced with 14 new employees.